Advanced Sealing Devices - backup rings, anti-extrusion rings, backup seals

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Backup Seals (Anti-extrusion rings)

A backup seal is to provide extrusion resistance and also for the purpose of permeation reduction. The ring has to be hard to resist extrusion, but resilient enough to conform to the housing and fill the clearance gap. A schematic diagram of a backup seal is shown below:

backup rings

We can make backup seals using hard-plastics, elastomers or composite polymeric materials. The typical back-up seal profiles that we make are shown below. We can also make other profiles specified by you. Our backup seals can be used both for dynamic and static sealing applications, as well as single and double acting action sealing systems. We make standard imperial and metric sizes and also non-standard sizes for the back-up seals.

Type   Features
BUF backup rings Universal backup ring for all general applications. It can be used on all types of hydraulic seals with a flat back.
BUU backup rings

Backup ring with a special curvature created for the placement of O-Rings

An important consideration in using a backup seal is whether to use one piece in a fitting, or two pieces. The orientation of the fitting and the profile to be used are also important, i.e. whether you want to use our flat backup seal (type BUF) or one with contours (type BUU). Other factors to consider are pressure, temperature, and type of fluids. Contact us and we can discuss a suitable backup seal for you. The advantages of our backup seals are as follows:

  • our backup seals can be stretched into groove without cutting
  • the backup seals are continuous
  • lubricant can be trapped within the backup seals to enhance lubrication

Some examples of backup seals we make for our customers are shown below:

backup ringsbackup ringsbackup rings

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